Wild Bird Repellent
Defend and enrich your outdoor spaces with TOMIGUNN LUMI. This innovative formula combines a complex of natural extracts and microbes, designed to repel wild birds by creating an uncomfortable bioluminescent effect on their eyes, without harming them. LUMI effectively breaks down waste from rodents, wild birds, and other pests, reducing the chance of organic matter being carried into the home. Simultaneously, LUMI acts as a soil probiotic, enhancing soil biodiversity and nutrient absorption.

LUMI is ideal for use around enclosed farms, along with golf courses and parks. It safely digests organic waste and reduces nutrient runoff. LUMI is a powdered formula that is easy to apply using water and a standard agricultural sprayer. Available in multiple sizes.

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Wild Bird Repellent
TOMIGUNN LUMI is a diverse complex of microbes and natural extracts that repels wild birds from entering the outdoor vicinity where the product is applied, while also improving the soil in the contact area.
LUMI creates an environment that wild animals find irritating and uncomfortable, so they simply stay away.

Bioluminescent Effect On Avian Eyes
LUMI contains microbes that create a bioluminescent effect on the avian eye. The bioluminescent effect alters the light reflectance spectra and disrupts the depth perception of birds attempting to land. Use of the product does not harm birds’ vision, rather it makes landing difficult, causing the birds to look for a more inviting landing area. It is ideal for golf courses and parks.

Naturally Digests Feces
LUMI naturally digests feces left by rodents, wild birds, and other pests, lowering the possibility of transmitting organic materials into the house.

Enriches The Soil
LUMI enhances the biodiversity of the soil in the contact area, increasing the soil’s capacity for enrichment and assisting in sequestering nitrogen, phosphorus, and other concentrated nutrients and releasing them slowly to the root system; thereby limiting the amount of nutrient runoff.

NOP Compliant
The product is compliant with the national organic program of the USDA.

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16 oz, 20 lbs